Monday, January 7, 2008

365 days: 1000 toilets

the mission: save 1,000,000 litres of water in one year from being flushed down the toilet.

the method
: covertly place plastic bottles filled with water into the toilet cisterns of 1000 toilets in homes, churches, cafes and workplaces across the planet, (saving anywhere from 300ml to 1.5 litres every flush).

the mentality
: water is one of the most valuable and taken for granted resources on the face of the globe and we who have plenty of it in the western world, waste it excessively.

the motive: to see what one ordinary slightly water obsessed man can achieve in 365 days with a little effort, a little sneakiness and alot of plastic bottles.

[the loo bandit: saving the planet one flush at a time]

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